2) Have each group watch the Sign Language video assigned to them and use the tactile map to locate key locations and events described in the video (such as Athens, Sparta, Mount Olympus, etc.). As they watch, have them place game pieces on the map to represent the various locations and events.
3) After each group has finished watching their assigned video, bring the class back together and ask each group to present their map and explain the locations and events they marked.
4) As a class, discuss the historical context and significance of the events and features of ancient Greek civilization.
5) Incorporate additional gamification approach like having the student working together to create skits/dramas to depict the different aspects of Greek life, with the student taking turns being the narrator of the skit, signing the story for the rest of the group.
6) Conclude the lesson by summarizing the key features of ancient Greek civilization and their importance in history.