Table of Contents

Lesson 2

Post Lesson Activities Role-playing. Students must simulate an interview with historical figures, which can be proposed as an opportunity to learn more about the topic and historical figures dealt with. The activity could be developed in different phases: 1. Formation of working groups and subdivision of roles: students are invited to form working pairs and choose the different roles. 2. Collection and organization of information: the students carry out a guided web quest on the historical character from which to start drafting the interview. During this phase, the teacher suggests web sites and connections to the teaching material provided during the first lesson. 3. Final recitation: after having practiced with rehearsals and simulations, the couples will be able to propose the interviews they have elaborated. Eventually it will be possible to exchange the roles and re-propose the interview with reversed roles. Once completed, the activity can be evaluated on the basis of a grid prepared by the teacher, and aimed at assessing the achievement of the following educational objectives: • Knowledge of the historical character • Enhancement of oral language skills • Ability to search for targeted information • Collaboration skills • Initiative

Post Lesson Activities

Role-playing. Students must simulate an interview with historical figures, which can be proposed as an opportunity to learn more about the topic and historical figures dealt with. The activity could be developed in different phases:

1. Formation of working groups and subdivision of roles: students are invited to form working pairs and choose the different roles.

2. Collection and organization of information: the students carry out a guided web quest on the historical character from which to start drafting the interview. During this phase, the teacher suggests web sites and connections to the teaching material provided during the first lesson.

3. Final recitation: after having practiced with rehearsals and simulations, the couples will be able to propose the interviews they have elaborated. Eventually it will be possible to exchange the roles and re-propose the interview with reversed roles.

Once completed, the activity can be evaluated on the basis of a grid prepared by the teacher, and aimed at assessing the achievement of the following educational objectives:

• Knowledge of the historical character

• Enhancement of oral language skills

• Ability to search for targeted information

• Collaboration skills

• Initiative