Tech Game


How to create a successful union between countries? The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as an interesting historical “European Project” (PART 3)

3 Lessons

45 minutes 65 Enrolled


Each of your students may have a different degree of disability, and different needs. When working with deaf students, use video materials with subtitles and/or sign language. Use audio materials when working with visually impaired or blind students. Try to create materials in Braille as well. When working with dyslexic students, use materials with large text and a friendly format When working with an autistic child, keep in touch with his parents, they can help identify the learners’ needs. When working with children with other cognitive limitations, adapt the information to their processing capabilities. Familiarize yourself with the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL;, apply them in your lessons.


  • Materials:
  • The materials are presented by means of popular, accessible and individually selected presenta-tion templates (e.g. “Canva” History templates) that can be displayed on various digital devices. The presentations include texts, pictures, video films and exercises in the form of creative education slides. The images and texts should appear with animations, videos and music/subtitles for a truly engaging presentation. The presentation should give the students a chance to interact and/or be made into a kind of interactive website with pdf/printable materials as handouts.


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  • Outcomes :
  • The students can better recognise the spectrum of positive and negative phenomena re-lated to the topic of political, cultural and economic integration between different coun-tries based on presented historical evidence and contemporary issues in the EU (depend-ing on the varied level of students’ awareness and personal interest) . They should be ready to identify possible problems as well as solutions and common grounds that bind successfully neighbouring countries and foster their cooperation. The lesson is also in-tended as an educational stimulus for the students to link the past with the present by means of drawing certain parallels and making comparisons.

What Will I Learn?

  • Objectives :
  • 9. The students learn about certain aspects of The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth history with the aim to present and analyse major factors that contribute to a successful political union from a historical perspective.
  • 10. The students learn to apply critically (within their limited capabilities) a set of tools of “young historians” to link the past with modern times issues and challenges of European unification/integration.
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