Tech Game


The birth of Christianity: the Monasteries

3 Lessons

2 hours 0 Enrolled


Each of your students may have a different degree of disability, and different needs. When working with deaf students, use video materials with subtitles and/or sign language. Use audio materials when working with visually impaired or blind students. Try to create materials in Braille as well. When work-ing with dyslexic students, use materials with large text and a friendly format When working with an autistic child, keep in touch with his parents, they can help identify the learners’ needs. When working with children with other cognitive limitations, adapt the information to their processing capabilities. Familiarize yourself with the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL;, apply them in your lessons.


  • Materials:
  • • Smart board
  • • Power point
  • • Reference texts
  • • Smartphone
  • • Video


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  • Results:
  • -Importance of work ethic.
  • -Problematize the legacy of the rule and emphasize the importance of the work.

What Will I Learn?

  • Objectives:
  • -Knowledge of the political, economic and social causes of the spread of Christianity.
  • -Knowledge of the origins of monasticism.
  • -Knowledge of the difference between Eastern and Western monasticism.
  • -Knowledge of the rule of St. Benedict: ora et labora
  • -Understand the educational function of monasteries.
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