Pre – Lesson Activities

Ask students the following questions: • The title of this poster is The Space Race. Think about the word ‘race’. Who/what do we normally associate with that word? (Athletes, runners, horses, cars, greyhounds). What are they doing? (Competing, trying to win/to be first/the fastest). What do you think the people in The Space Race poster are doing? (Competing to be the first to achieve something related to space). • What are they trying to achieve (successfully reach/attain a goal/objective)? (To be fastest/best/first/greatest/superior) Strona 62 z 131 • What do we call those involved in a race? (Competitors, contestants); What do we call those watching a race? (Spectators) • When someone is fastest/first in a race, what do we call that person? (Winner, cham-pion, victor). A winner is someone who has won the race. How do you think that person feels? (Someone who has won feels … joyful, proud, victorious, triumphant, jubilant, etc.) • What term is used for someone who nearly wins? (Runner-up) • Explore other words associated with ‘race’. (e.g. lead(er), runner-up, pack, overtake, head start, lightning speed, neck and neck, sprint, finish line, dead heat, false start, drop back, starting block, under starter’s orders, etc.)

Ask students the following questions:

  • The title of this poster is The Space Race. Think about the word ‘race’. Who/what do we normally associate with that word? (Athletes, runners, horses, cars, greyhounds). What are they doing? (Competing, trying to win/to be first/the fastest). What do you think the people in The Space Race poster are doing? (Competing to be the first to achieve something related to space).
  • What are they trying to achieve (successfully reach/attain a goal/objective)? (To be fastest/best/first/greatest/superior)

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  • What do we call those involved in a race? (Competitors, contestants); What do we call those watching a race? (Spectators)
  • When someone is fastest/first in a race, what do we call that person? (Winner, cham-pion, victor). A winner is someone who has won the race. How do you think that person feels? (Someone who has won feels … joyful, proud, victorious, triumphant, jubilant, etc.)
  • What term is used for someone who nearly wins? (Runner-up)
  • Explore other words associated with ‘race’. (e.g. lead(er), runner-up, pack, overtake, head start, lightning speed, neck and neck, sprint, finish line, dead heat, false start, drop back, starting block, under starter’s orders, etc.)