Tech Game


The Time of Hunters and Peasants (3000 B.C.)

3 Lessons

1 hour 0 Enrolled


Each of your students may have a different degree of disability, and different needs. When working with deaf students, use video materials with subtitles and/or sign language. Use audio materials when working with visually impaired or blind students. Try to create materials in Braille as well. When working with dyslexic students, use materials with large text and a friendly format When working with an autistic child, keep in touch with his parents, they can help identify the learners’ needs. When working with children with other cognitive limitations, adapt the information to their processing capabilities. Familiarize your-self with the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL;, apply them in your lessons.


  • Braille or large print copies of texts or articles related to the topic (with pictures de-scribed in words)
  • Tactile diagrams or models of tools and weapons used by hunters and farmers
  • Audio recordings of descriptions of the diagrams or models
  • ‘Hunt and Gather’ game (can be adapted to the class according to the resources avail-able)


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  • 1.1 Tijdsbesef en ruimtelijk perspectief
  • [Obtaining a notion of (historical) time and
  • spatial perspectives]
  • 1.2 Bronnen [Sources]
  • - geen geschriften, archeologische vondsten
  • - [acquiring the notion that there are no written sources, only archaeological findings from that era]
  • - [[reliability of scientific interpretation]]
  • 1.3 Prehistorische jagers en verzamelaars
  • Economie en techniek
  • Sociale organisatie
  • Kunst en religie
  • 1.4 Prehistorische landbouwers
  • Economie en technische ontwikkeling
  • Sociale organisatie
  • Kunst en religie

What Will I Learn?

  • Objective: learning the differences between (prehistoric) hunters and farmers, also as a cultural, mental and social development
  • Prehistoric hunters and gatherers
  • • Economy and technology
  • · Hunters and gatherers depend heavily on what the natural environment offers for their livelihood. Over time, they develop techniques that enable them to survive more easily in all kinds of environments and to
  • spread further and further across the globe. Despite their limited technical re-sources, prehistoric hunter-gatherers sometimes sustainably disrupted their nat-ural environment.
  • • Social organisation
  • · Hunter-gatherers generally live in a non-hierarchical society. The group size is be-tween 25 and 50 people. From time to time people get together in tribes
  • Prehistoric Farmers
  • • Economy and technical development
  • · In the long run, people will start farm-ing. This allows him to obtain more food in an area. Possession formation and barter will now also play a role. Agricul-ture sometimes leads to damage to na-ture through soil erosion.
  • • Social organisation
  • · Farmers live in villages of ± 100 peo-ple. They are forced to defend their land against invaders.
  • • Art and religion
  • · There are finds that indicate a life in which art and religion play a role.
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